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SFP Tournaments

Showcase Tournaments




It is not often that we address our competitors. But if it just isn't true, you have to get the facts out there! WE ARE STILL THE BEST TEAM VALUE IN THE SOUTHEAST! Don't be fooled by tournaments claiming to be cheaper when the number of games a team will play are NOT the same!

Our pricing structure of lower entry fees and gates fees gives teams options! First, players are FREE and anyone under the age of 13 is FREE! Teams average 14 paid entries and 3 FREE coaches/scorekeepers. Most teams the coaches are parents, so are the scorekeepers, and a lot of teams have siblings. In cases of High School ages, many drive themselves and the number of parents attending is much lower! IT IS NEVER 12 players x 2 parents each.

The exception is 8U. They bring a lot of spectators. BUT 8U pays NO TOURNAMENT FEE with SFP! Can other organizations say the same?

When we talk about a gate fee being optional...we are meaning a gate does NOT keep a team from playing in a tournament. The "team cost" is $145. If spectators attend it is optional and you only pay if you come to the tournament! Other "trusted" organizations tack on gates fees to the "ONE FEE" whether you have 5 people come or 24. I can promise you, the fee is not for only 5 people.

We start each tournament with new balls. We offer gold and silver brackets and give out TWICE the number of awards! We pay our Umpires $50 a game to get the best. Can other sanctions say that?

As for being a "trusted" organization....Southeastern Fastpitch is organization FOUNDED and RUN by a travel softball parent and coach. After playing with these "trusted" organizations, Russell believed there must be a better way that was more affordable. We have been the fastest growing tournament provider in the Southeast for 7 years and we don't charge sanction fees. Yes, this is a business, we are not volunteers. But we are invested in the communities we play in, the girls we see every weekend and the sport we LOVE! Our tournaments have a different "feel" that is made up of all these reasons. "Come experience the difference with Southeastern Fastpitch."


affordable travel team insurance

Why pay more for insurance? It is true that all insurance is not the same, ours is BETTER.

  • $175 per year - Policy runs June to June
  • "A" Rated Company
  • Accepted by all Sanctions (USSSA, USA, PGF, SFP, etc.)
  • Insure up to eighteen players
  • Includes Coaches liability 
  • 1 Million per occurrence
  • NO additional fees to add or subtract players 

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